- It sounds unbelievable today to think that the US media would actually protect the president's honour for national interests. 美国媒体为了国家利益维护总统尊严的事,在今天听来像是天方夜谭。
- Actually before that l had never seen an acticle carried by US media describing China like that. 说实话,在此之前我还没有看到美国的其他杂志发表过这样的文章。
- Insurgents in Iraq have hacked into live video feeds from unmanned American drone aircraft, US media reports say. 美国某媒体报道称,伊拉克叛乱分子黑入美国无人侦察机反馈回来的实时录像系统。
- In an official proclamation, Obama urged all dads to meet their family responsibilities, according to US media. 在白宫发布的总统声明中,奥巴马敦促所有的父亲们善尽自己的家庭义务。
- The suicide bomber who killed seven CIA agents in Afghanistan was an al-Qaeda triple agent, US media reports say. 美国媒体报道,阿富汗炸死七名CIA特工的自杀式袭击者是基地组织的三重间谍。
- Inmates at Thonburi jail in Thailand are training to box in the hopes of winning a place in the 2012 Olympic team, US media reported recently. 美国媒体近日报道,泰国一家监狱的囚犯正积极开展拳击运动,以期在2012年奥运会上获得一席之地。
- He also gives frequents lectures at universities worldwide, and has been called as “a revolutionary digital artist” by mainstream US media. 被美国主体媒体称为“数码艺术界的革命性的艺术家”。
- The FBI has begun an investigation into four major US financial institutions caught up in the current financial crisis, US media say. 美国媒体表示;美国联邦调查局(FBI)开始调查陷入困境的四家美国主要金融机构.
- To many Chinese, it seems that this lobby is the only voice that is acceptable or newsworthy in the US media and to the US Government. 对许多中国人,似乎这个大厅是唯一的声音,这是可以接受或新闻价值,在美国媒体和美国政府的不满。
- Pictures of the US octuplets were unveiled for the first time by the clinic where they were delivered, US media reported Tuesday. 美国媒体10日报道,医院首次公布了1月26日剖腹产出生的美国8胞胎的照片。
- Houston Rockets centre Yao Ming(see photo) will undergo surgery on a broken bone in his left foot next week, US media reported. 据美国媒体报道,休斯顿火箭队中锋姚明(见图)将在下周接受手术,治疗左脚的骨裂。
- Obama will oversee a White House unencumbered by boys, just like the Bush administration, and the Clintons, according to US media. 美国媒体报道,美国当选总统奥巴马和布什、克林顿等前任总统一样,将会在没有男孩子打闹的白宫度过几年。
- THE internet is causing an earthquake in the US media, which last year nearly doubled job cuts as more people turned to the web as their main source for news. 互联网是导致地震的美国媒体其中去年增加近一倍,使更多的人以裁员为网络为主要来源的消息。
- Yet, by making it seem as if the fault lies mainly with a few reporters, the management of US media oversimplifies or deliberately downplays a more disturbing problem. 但是,让公众觉得好象错误在于少数记者的话,那么美国媒体管理部门就把一个更加令人不安的问题简单化了,或者是故意地低估了。
- Concrete rigid frame arch bridge is a kind of very useful medium span bridge. 混凝土刚架拱桥是一种非常实用的中等跨径桥梁结构形式。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- Saudi Arabia's divorce rate has jumped from 25% to 60% during the past 20 years because of a spate of marriages involving very young brides and grooms, US media reported. 据美国媒体报道,因为沙特阿拉伯盛行"娃娃婚",近20年来,当地离婚率从25%25猛增至60%25。
- US media reports say Osama bin Laden's former driver Salim Hamdan, currently being held at the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, is being transferred to his home country of Yemen. 美国媒体报道说本拉登的前司机哈姆达,目前已经从关押他的关塔那摩湾的美国海军基地被转送到了他的家乡也门。
- Second question, it is reported that some US media accused Chinese hackers of hacking into Pentagon's network and compromising information about US fighter jets. 第二个问题,有报道称美国媒体谴责中国“黑客”侵入美国防部网站,获取有关美国战斗机的军事信息。
- Are Americans, the US Congress, Bush Administrations and the US media giving approval to the Tibetan rioters in looting, burning and killing Han and other non-Tibetan Chinese ? 英国人,英国议会,英国布朗内阁,英国舆论,是不是支持少数藏暴徒对汉人,对其他非藏华人的杀人放火?